Park Avenue Community Watch Mission Statement
In accordance with Article II (Purpose) of the Park Avenue Community Association (PACA) bylaws, the Park Avenue Community Watch is established to advocate for the safety of persons and property in the Historic Park Avenue neighborhood, and to cooperate with government officials to enforce codes and educate citizens.
Park Avenue Community Watch Coordinator
Each February, the newly-elected Park Avenue Community Association Executive Officers will vote to elect one non-Board, active PACA member to serve a one-year term as the Park Avenue Community Watch Coordinator, with no limit to the number of consecutive terms. The Executive Officers reserve the right to suspend and/or replace the Community Watch Coordinator at any time with a majority vote.
The Community Watch Coordinator duties include:
Review applications from active PACA members for Zone Leader positions, and recommend to the PACA Executive Officers for approval by majority vote.
Train and supervise Zone Leaders to assist in the Community Watch.
Organize and lead periodic meetings of the Community Watch Zone Leaders.
Serve as the liaison between PACA and the appropriate government officials for matters related to the Community Watch.
Attend each monthly PACA General Meeting and provide a verbal update of the Community Watch to members. If the Coordinator cannot attend a meeting, a written update shall be provided to the President prior to the meeting.
Park Avenue Community Watch Zone Leaders
The PACA Executive Officers, with consultation from the Community Watch Coordinator, will define (and amend, as necessary) geographic zones in the Historic Park Avenue neighborhood to assist in the organization of the Park Avenue Community Watch. The Community Watch Coordinator will review applications from active PACA members for Zone Leader positions, and recommend to the PACA Executive Officers for approval by majority vote. The Executive Officers reserve the right to suspend and/or replace a Community Watch Zone Leader at any time with a majority vote. Zone Leaders will serve a one-year term, with no limit to the number of consecutive terms.
The Zone Leader duties include:
Attend training and accept instruction from the Community Watch Director.
Attend any scheduled or special meeting with the Community Watch Director and other Zone Leaders.
Monitor communication online and directly from neighbors regarding activity in the applicable geographic zone.
Expeditiously communicate relevant information to the Community Watch Director, and provide a written report of the month’s activity prior to each PACA General Meeting to the Community Watch Director.
Attend each monthly PACA General Meeting.